I beg to differ!
I had told him that:
We (man) is capable of doing what ever anyone before him has done. (good or bad) given the same life the same upbringing the same time and space as say Columbus.
It could have been anyone that discovered America. Old Chris was not chosen by the gods to discover America. He ended up discovering America because of the decisions he made in his life (the roads he traveled) right from birth.
The roads you travel and the things you accomplished are decided by the decisions you make in your life, the choice's you make determine the road you will travel. And the road you travel through life leads you to where you end up at the end of your time here in this life
If you choose to do good things, then you will travel that road. (Right Turn)
That same rule applies if you choose to do bad things. Then that is the road you will travel. (Left Turn)
Take Hitler (or any other person from man's history if you like)Hitler got to where he was by the decisions he made in life which lead him through the roads he traveled.(Left Turn)
If you (or anyone for that matter) where to make the same decisions as Hitler you would end up where Hitler ended up in life. You would have ended up traveling the same road he traveled. (Left Turn)
This would also apply to anyone else in our history male of female.
Take the Dali lama, if you where in the same situation, the same place the same time the same environment around you the same upbringing and you made the same dissensions that the Dali Lama has made to end up where he is today, then you would or could be the Dali Lama.
He wasn't born to be the Dali Lama and it wasn't fate that made him do good things, he just made the right decisions at every cross road in his life that lead him threw the many roads he traveled to end up where he is today. (Right Turn)
When you choose to do good, it's a mental choice, you know right from wrong, you choose good or bad. And in turn this leads you to the next cross road in your life, which leads you to your next decision and so on so forth.
It only stands to reason that if Hitler was in the same time and space as the Dali Lam and Hitler made the same decisions the Dali Lama has made in his life, the road Hitler would have trailed would be where the Dali Lama is today.(Right Turn)
Two people, both completely different people from our history. One that has done nothing but good and one that has done nothing but bad, but if they had of made the same decisions as their counter part, they both could have ended up in the others place in history.
Hitler and the Dali Lama had the choice to do good or evil and by those choices, they ended up traveling the roads that lead them to their place in our history.
You can choose to do good (that's the good person inside you)or you can choose to do bad. (That’s the bad person inside you)
Thus there are indeed two people inside you and you have the choice of which one you let run your life and lead you through the roads you travel.
That being said:
You could have done what ever anyone before you has done in our history, If you had of been raised in the same situation and had of choose to make those same decisions, then that is the road you would have travel in life.
You have the choice of the road you want to travel in life by the decisions you make and you will end up where your decisions have taken you.
There are two people inside you, Good and Evil it is up to you to make that decision, no one else can do that for you.
Enjoy the ride my friend and remember, the final decision is always up to you!
So you have no one to blame but your self for the roads you have to travel through life!
Right Turn Clyde!
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