Sunday, July 12, 2009

On Religion and War By R.Coldguy

All this ta-do about Religion being the cause of all wars.

Religion isn’t the cause of war. MAN IS!!!

Wars are MAN made!

As are all the religions of the world.

And if you take the time to look them both up in the Webster’s Dictionary God and Superman both have the same qualifications.

But no one’s running around saying Superman is a God now are they? (well other than me that is)

God is a belief, just as Santa Clause is a belief.

This does not make God real, any more than believing in Santa Clause
Make’s him real.

But when the little children believe in Santa Clause, He has a tendency to show up on Christmas morning bringing gifts.

We really can’t say the same for people that believe in God now can we?

At least I don’t ever remember God showing up on Sunday morning, not in all the years that I attended church anyway.

And when you get right down to it Santa Clause has been bringing nothing but happiness to the little children of the world.

God on the other hand lets millions of his little children die from starvation every year!

Bottom line people;

Religion doesn’t start wars man does and we have a far better chance that Superman will save the world than we do that all those unanswered prayers to God will.

And to tell you the truth, if I’m going to believe in some imaginary person bringing peace happiness and good will to all men.

I think I’ll stick with Santa Clause.

He has a better batting average than God. And to my knowledge there’s never been a war fought in the name of Santa :)


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