I keep asking people to look shit up and find out the truth, instead of believing what the Government and/or the Media is telling you is true.
So here is my take on what the Truth Really is?
I just watched a Video called Web 3.0 http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/web-3-0/
Actually I watched it three times ( you can go watch this video your self and see what you get out of it) But unless you know what they are talking about, and I only know one person that would be capable of understanding this and that's my son in-law, (now don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying he is the smartest apple in the barrel or the most educated person out there, All I'm just saying he is the most knowledgeable person I know) mostly because he (that's right) looks shit up!
So... watching the video would depend on two things:
One understanding the words they are using, (considering your level of education or intelligence if you will) because if you understand the meaning of all the words in the video, you would get more out of this particular video. (Instead of having to go look them all up as I did) more anyway than, Say, some one that only understands half the worlds, or someone the doesn't understand any of the words they are using in this video.
And two being able to sit through the video two or three times until you actually get something out of it that makes any seance at all to you. (again depending on your education and/or intelligence and/or your willingness to look up the ones (words) you don't understand the meaning of)
That being said:
The truth is a lot like this video, it all depends on what you understand about computers, the Internet and how they work and what you are capable of looking up and cross checking on the Internet to determine what you believe to be the truth.
And to be completely honest with you, you can look up pretty much anything and find 50 % that believe one thing and 50 % that believe the complete opposite (semantics). which as it turns out is what the video Web 3.0 is all about how a machine determines what you are looking for appose to what you (a person) is actually looking for to read or look at.
Try to understand this (or my explanation of it) a computer works with 1's and 0's and a combination of those two digits is what makes a computer work, program's, games, looking up shit on the Internet, pictures words, items (toy's phones, TVs and so on) So it would give you (depending on 1 and 0) everything that is connected to what ever it happened to be that you are looking for on the Internet and there are thousands of sights out there all with information connected to or relating to what you are actually looking for. (sometimes very overwhelming)
Remember it's a machine and until they come up with a way to make the computer think the way a human thinks it can only do what it is programed to do with the two digits 1and 0 and the millions or billions of combinations there of.
Say you where trying to look up (What is the Truth) first it takes you to a Web definition (which states "a fact that has been verified" and then it takes you to a religious sight "What is the truth" (if you want to find God I suppose this would be the best place to start) and then it takes you to "Truth- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. which tells you right of the get go that "the truth can have a variety of meanings, such as the state of being in accord with a particular fact or reality" and then it goes on to many, many more sights all with something to do with "What is the Truth" About 287,000,000 results. (try it, it's true) but then again it would depend on your search engine and/or your browser.
So again, what is the truth really?
Basically the truth is what ever anyone determines to be true or what you want to believe to be true or what you have looked up on the Internet and found through cross checking to be what you want to believe to be true. because as I said above every thing you look up has pros and con's to it. Well except for something like... well red is red and white is white, right? but then again they both have many shades to them now don't they. (I think you get my meaning)
Take Wikipedia you can look up pretty much anything on anything and it will explain it to you (in my opinion) this is a very good sight to look shit up! You can prove the conspiracy theory's either right or wrong depending on what one (conspiracy theory) you look up and how you interpret the information given to you by Wikipedia.
But again, I can also find sights or statements that say Wikipedia is all bullshit (biased) pointing you towards what they want you to believe to be true.
When asking people to stop believing in what the media and/or the governments of the world are telling you is true and look shit up your self and you decide what is true. I posted three sights to go to to search for what is true or not and to cross check with these three sights to determine what each said on any given subject and then find out which one you want to use to look up or debunk the bullshit emails you get or as I said before, the government and/or the media is telling you.
Lets take Snopes.com I've found sights that say Snopes.com is all bullshit. (which would apply to the other two also I'm sure) Go here http://www.eons.com/groups/topic/1232703-The-Truth-about-Snopes-amp-its-Agenda-
They say Snopes.com are bias and just tell you what they want you to believe.(as I am against religion, liars and thieves) or that Wikipedia is the perfect example of a few morons ruining a good idea. Go here: http://www.kobrasrealm.net/kobra/index.php?177
And I understand that most people out there are either computer illiterate (I don't mean that as an insult, so don't take it the wrong way) or just don't have the time to look everything up and cross check it.
And this is ok! (Not everyone can sit and do this shit all day or has the time to do it all day as I have)
All I'm asking is to find a sight that you trust to tell you the truth or closest to what you believe to be the truth and stop listening to what the Government and/or the media or the bullshit emails that are sent around the world (mostly by racist or ass holes) and look shit up your self!
In closing:
When you get right down to it, the truth is what you want to believe is true, whether that be on religion, evolution, politics, global warming, the world coming to an end in the year 2012, God, planet X, the tooth fairy or Santa Clause.
Just don't believe what everyone else is telling you is true!
And I have one simple question to ask you to prove my point.
When the person that told you Santa Clause was all bullshit, and you believed what they said to be the truth and you told your mom and dad that it was all bullshit, and you stopped believing in Santa.
Has he left you any presents under the tree since then?
Don't believe what others want you to believe! or one day your going to wake up with out a free, environmentally clean, world to live in.
And that my friend, is the TRUTH!!!
Look shit up!!!
Or go here: http://rcoldguy1.blogspot.com/
Where I post what I believe to be true, well.... except for the parts I make up my self :)
Love Always
Forever Peace
RColdguy In search of the truth, in the name of freedom, for I truly believe, The truth will set us free!!!
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