Monday, October 11, 2010

The Truth Hurts!

Sheep to Slaughter ( Psalm 44:22) Lemming Mass Suicide (Myth) Free Thinker (Facts=Truth)

Lately I have been questioning that: "If you do something for what you believe to be the right reason's, does it mean that it's the right thing to do"?

I have known most of you for biggest part of your lives, So I have but one question to ask of you now.

If you can name but one (just one) or find just one person out there that I have ever met talk to or dealt with in my life that I have ever lied to,??

Then don't read on, Just delete this E-mail NOW!!!

Because I may have been a lot of things in my life, But I'm not a liar and I'm not a thief!!!

I don't believe in God or religion, but when my children or grandchildren ask me if there is a God, I tell them that I don't believe there is (but then I tell them) That doesn't mean that there is no God, it just means that I don't believe there is. I don't know! No one does!

When asked about religion, I tell them what I believe and then I tell them that religion (the belief in God) is not a bad thing if it makes you a better person. It's the people that use Gods name (their religious beliefs) to deceive you and cause harm to their fellow man that is Bad!!

The only belief that I can honestly say makes any sense at all to me comes from the North American Indian, They believe in the sun, the moon, the stars and the rain, the wind and mother earth, that gives them sustenance. Things you can see, feel, and reach out and touch! Not in a man made religion that is based completely on blind faith!

I do what I do because care! About the world, about mankind, about my children, about my grandchildren and I care what happens to our future and the future of this planet!

Money has never meant that much to me, I guess because I truly believe that money IS the root of all evil.

I've never backed down from anyone in my life, not at work, not on the street and not from the Government.

I've won most of my battles with honesty, at work (against management) in the union (against union policy) with my fellow man and with or against any government agency that I have dealt with, because you can't argue with the truth and most people that are trying to deceive you, are doing so by lying to you.

I have always stood up for what I believe is right, even if it could cost me a beating, my job, my family, a friend or my life.

I'm not scared of living and I'm sure as hell not scared of dieing, I'm not scared of the here after! because I've lived my life believing in Good! not God, by speaking the truth even if it would hurt the one I love! because I can deal with  the truth, I can't deal with a lie! and because I truly believe that the truth will set us free!

Unfortunately sometimes the truth Hurts! because you can't sugar coat the truth! I have offended people in my life because where as most people want you to tell them the truth, most people really don't want to hear the truth.

I have in the past been accused of bombarding people with the shit I send them, I have been accused of supporting the crazy conspiracy theory's, of being crazy my self, of being paranoid and of just being a pain in the ass. I've been told that people don't read, don't watch, don't listen to and don't pass on the shit I send out in my e-mails.

Where as when I sent out an e-mail asking any and everyone if they didn't want me to send them this kind of shit anymore, no one e-mailed me back and said not to (except one) and I got that message second hand and it was because of racist jokes (well not racist really but on the verge, meant to be funny not hurt anyone's feelings) that he didn't find funny, so I deleted his e-mail address from my contact list and haven't sent him anything until just a few days ago because he had a problem with discrepancies in one of the post on my blog. (which I have a hard time understanding, why he follows my blog if he disagrees with what I say)

I've been told that people don't listen to what I write down because I can't spell so it looks like I don't know what I'm talking about because I don't have a formal education. (this is true, I only have book one (see Spot run, see Dick jump)

When in fact I have educated my self and I'm far more knowledgeable than most people out there that I have met in my life that hold that all mighty peace of paper that says they are smart, even though in reality, they spent their time in school on daddy's dollar partying not on educating them self to make a better world for their family and for mankind.

I've been told that people don't take me seriously because I've been stirring up shit all my life and I'm just trying to stir up more shit. I've been told that I've lost most of the people I've known in my life, friends and family by pissing them off (mostly by speaking the truth)

This is not true! I have eliminated most people in my life because they didn't live up to my standard of what a friend or family member should be! (I would much rather have one good friend than a shit load of so, so's) 

I've been told that I have a lot of really good points but that people would take me more seriously if it wasn't for the small discrepancy's in the information that I send out in e-mail or post on my blog (no body's perfect so why do people think that I should be any different) ?

And this is all fine with me! I have no regrets in life, not for what I've done or for what I've said (other than what I did to my wife during my stint through male menopause) I can live with my past, I sleep fine (when I sleep) What I can't live with is sitting and doing nothing, when I think the people I love and care about are in danger of losing their right to live in a free and peaceful world. When I see the world my father fought for in the name of freedom turning into a dictatorship run by the elite of the world!

The reason I send out the shit I send or post the shit I post.

Isn't! because I thing the world is going to end on Dec 22 2012 or that I believe everything they say in the conspiracy theory's, it's not because I'm tying to change anyone view's about God, religion or the hear after, it's not because I believe that plant X is gong to come back and destroy the world we live in, it's not because I believe big brother is going to put chips in everyone so they can control and track them where ever they go.

Nobody knows what the future is going to be. I don't sit around worrying about it, I just think everyone should be aware of it, I'm hoping with every breath I take that the future will be a wonderful and beautiful place for my grandchildren and their grandchildren.

I don't post conspiracy theories on my Blog I post what I think people should be aware of and if someone complains about a discrepancy in my post, I take it down until I can put it back up with either the truth  (or as close as I can come to the truth) or with the discrepancies removed

Most people out there believe, can see, or have a good idea that something in this world we live in, is not right!

Everyone out there knows someone or has heard of someone that was either hurt by or destroyed by the so called rescission we are in today.

The banks (the rich) deceived us with low interest rates, they knew the bubble had to brake sooner or later and yet they did it anyway, all in the name of making more money. and then we, the average people, bailed them out? This is not right!! it's NOT fare, and everyone you talked to agrees with this, but did anyone get punished for it? NO!!

We bailed out the banks (the rich the elite), what happened to the millions or billions that they made off the poor for five years before the bubble broke? no one knows, no one seams to care anymore, everyone I know was very upset at the time but the media (controlled and run by the elite) has buried it and people have just excepted it and moved on with there lives.

We have turned our back on Pearl Harbor, we have tuned our back on 9/11, we have turned our back on the assassination of  President Kennedy.


Is this right? NO

But it's true! People forget they move on they turn a bind eye and they follow like sheep!

I wish I could, I truly do! but I can't for the simple reason that, it goes against everything I believe in!

They (the Rich, the elite the 1%, if you will) have used scare tactics to take away our rights to take away our guns to take away our freedom and they have used the media (their propaganda tool) to do all this!

If we have no guns we can't fight back! if we can't find the truth we can't hold the ones responsible for the atrocity's for their crimes against humanity,and they know this and they are working and have been working for years towards the so called New World Order. (read my blog, see what this will mean for you and your family)

I try to warn people, I try to give them the best information available to me, to show them what is happening in the world today, so that they can at the very lest be aware of what is happening in the world around them. That the media is not and will not tell them.

I'm not asking you to take my word for any of this, I'm not asking you to believe the conspiracy theories.

I'm asking you to stop listening to the media and the Government and look it up your self!!!

People are more concerned with Oprah getting molested as a child or President Clinton getting a blow job than they are of President Bush raping the country or the oil company's raping the world resources all in the name of money!

Why? because the media focuses on the smut to distract you from the truth! That's why!

Look up the law suits that Coca Cola has settled in/or out of court in the last 10 years. Look up what Big businesses has done or is doing all in the name of more money for their share holders, look up how the Pope has tried to hide the child molesters in the flock, look up the rich (the elite) that have made money through out the last two world wars and during all the wars since.

LOOK UP: THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK and see who really owns it?
LOOK UP: The Bush family and their relationship with Osama Bin Laden and his family! and the New World Order

LOOK UP: The Rockefeller family and their connection to the New World Order!

Nelson W. Aldrich- Representative of Rockefeller.
Benjamin Strong - Representative of Rockefeller.
Frank A. Vanderlip - Representative of Rockefeller.
John D. Rockefeller - Rockefeller him self.

Search the Net check the web sights! (while you still can)

All a you need to do is read the Wikipedia website and there should no longer be any doubt amongst Americans, Canadians or the world in general about the mere existence of a "New World Order" and the Rockefeller role in it.  It is here now, a living and breathing "global" institute, though hidden still to most Americans eyes. Still, the question somehow remains, did this N.W.O. begin as a "benevolent institution" and, if so, does it still have any such "benevolent" qualities remaining?

It's not their children that are being bombed, it's not their children that are being killed fighting these wars!

These are not conspiracy theories, they are cover ups!!!

Look them up, research them, you will find more prof than lies. but stop believing what the media and the government is telling you!!!

Look it up for your self!

The terrorist that hide behind black mask are not our problem!

The terrorist that hide behind the lies are the problem and what we should really be scared of!

What really scares me, is that we are on the verge of losing the freedom of the Internet and people need to be aware of this, what scares me it that there is a really good chance that if we lose the Internet the world powers will succeed in turning this world we love so dearly into a New World Order.  Run by a dictatorship (the elite)

What scares me is that if they succeed in taking away all our guns we wont have a chance of fighting back and stopping this from happening. What scares me is that people sit and watch TV and listen to what the world powers want you to hear and see and turn a blind eye to what is really going on!

If we lose the Internet and if we continue to turn a blind eye to what is really going on in this world. We are truly doomed and so is the future of our children and their children and life as we know it today.

So I'm asking you, if you care anything at all about your children's future, watch this documentary and pass it on to as many people as you can.

After that, if you want me to stop sending you this kind of shit, then say so and I will delete your address or I will only send you jokes Up to you?

Because if we're not going to do what ever we can to protect our future generations freedom, then we might just as well go out laughing. (that is if you truly think your children and the future of your grandchildren is a joke)

The man in this video (who has a very soothing hypnotic voice so be careful! I had to start it over several times my self because I kept falling asleep)  takes all the conspiracy theory's and puts it all together so you will at least think about what is really going on out there, he's not saying any of them are right! he's not saying any of them are going to happen, all he's saying, is that they are all a possibly (he has a lot of very good points)

He is saying that something is wrong, Turn off the TV and research the things he is talking about!

Don't just sit there blindly believing everything the media (the government) is telling you! or big business filling your head with commercials and/or subliminal advertising that are trying to sell you something you really don't want or need,

Turn off the radio, turn off the news, put down the paper and look shit up for your self while you still can!

But before you watch the video, watch to the clip I have attached and listen to what President Kennedy said and remember what happened to him! then watch the documentary and you decide, are all these people just wasting their time and money trying to warn us about something that's not true, or is something really wrong out there?

You don't need the designer cloths to be cool with real friends! You don't need all the make up to be beautiful!

Beauty comes from with in! not from air bushed pictures in a magazines as they would like you to believe!, you don't need the new cars to get where you are going in life! and you sure as hell don't need their blood money to find happiness with your loved ones!

Try to look at the big picture not the individual pixels that's it's made from.

Up to you!

I've done what I think is best for the people I love and care about.

But at least I didn't sit and do nothing!

Pass this e-mail on!

Send people to my blog

Let them read what I have been saying through the years.

Let them decide if a man with no formal education could put down on paper what he feels in his heart with out making a few errors in spelling or grammar along the way.

Let the world decide if I'm paranoid, crazy or just trying to tell the truth, so that people will at least be aware of what is going on in this world!

People need to open their eyes and see the truth! and yes sometimes the truth hurts but you can only avoid it for so long before it catches up with you and bites you in the ass!!!

I only hope for our future generations sake, that it won't be to late!

Because maybe the only real problem here is that YOU have stopped believing in ME!

R.Coldguy: In search of the truth, in the name of freedom, for I truly believe that the truth will set us free!!!


I would like you to watch two very shot clips before you leave. One is a message from President Kennedy's speech on Conspiracy & Secret Society's (one of the greatest men that ever lived as far as I'm concerned) I had to cut it down so it would fit in this e-mail go here if you want to see to he whole video:


I apologize to anyone from China that can't get to this speech, I tried to find it elsewhere, but I couldn't:) sorry! You could try my blog  Not sure if China is blocking it :)

The other one is from a man named Bill Hicks, "who is Bill Hicks" (Look it up)

I would just like to note here that:

If we used all the money that we are wasting on the war on terror and the war on drugs and used that money to help the people (the starving children of the world, the poor in the third world county's and the unfortunates in this world that have an addiction problem so that we can stop putting our children in jail for an addiction!) we could solve most if not all of the problems in the world today and make it a better place for all of man kind no matter what your race or religious beliefs many be!


This is what he had to say about our world and how we can change it.

Bill Hicks (1961 - 1994 R.I.P

The world is like a ride in an amusement park and when we choose to go on it we think it's real, because that's how powerful our minds are. And it goes up and down and round and round, it has thrills and chills and its very brightly colored and very loud, and it's fun - for a while.
Some people have been on the ride for a long time and after a while they begin to question: Is this real, or is it just a ride? But some people have remembered, and they come back to us and they say. "Hey, don't worry and don't be afraid ever, because this is just a ride" - and we kill those people...
"Shut him up! Ive got a lot invested in this ride... Look at my furrows of worry... Look at my big bank account... Look at my family... This has to be real"
But it's just a ride.
But we always kill those good guys who try to tell us that and we let the demons run amok. But it doesn't matter, because it's just a ride - and we can change it any time we want.
All we need is the choice.
No effort, no work, no job, no savings or money - just a choice - right now - between fear & love.
The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns and and close yourself off, the eyes of love instead, see all of us as one.
Here's what we can do to change the world to a better ride right now. Take all the money we spend on weapons and defence every year and instead spend it feeding, clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would many times over, not one human being excluded and we can explore space...together...both inner and peace.
- Bill Hicks (1961 - 1994 R.I.P.)

The documentary:

If you don't do anything else in your life, watch this video! and you decide if any of this shit is true?

The Big Picture Final Cut

 For every question regarding our world, there is a conspiracy theory offered from some quarter claiming to address it. These conspiracy theories number into the hundreds and they are nearly always dead ends, or at best, lead to another conspiracy and so on, ad infinitum. Even though it’s become obvious to most that something is not quite right, and that some sort of global conspiracy does indeed exist, it is still hard to see exactly what it is, and where the truth really lies.
It is time the people of the world stood up and paid heed to the urgency and importance. Yet, you say, even if one were to do so, then how do we the ordinary individual, ever get to the bottom of this? And if we do ever get to the bottom of it, then what are we to do then? And those are both very good questions.
Well, the best way to start is to get all fluoride out of your diet and gain an understanding of history. Then learn to look at each news story from a global perspective. Disregard most of what the announcer tells you to believe, and place the event where it belongs, on the Global stage. Then ask yourself that old Greek adage – Cu Bono.
Who Benefits? And more importantly, when you discover a truth, uncover a lie, or find an anomaly, tell your friends. Spread the information as far and wide as you can reach because the media most certainly will not. However the most important thing of all in order to be able to do either of the above is to be aware of your surroundings in a global sense.

George Carlin said it a little differantly but the truth just the same:

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