I think I’m about done with my study on the question; Why?
It is my finding that, religion is a man made belief instituted by the rich to gain power and control while giving the poor strength and hope.
I believe that the evolution of mankind was helped along at some point in our past by someone other than man. But I think this question can only be answered in our future.
I am lead to believe from my research that man is like any other living thing on this planet that has a reproductive cycle. All living things go through the cycle of life some die young, some live out a very productive life, some have to strive to stay alive, while some have every thing they need right in front of them for the taking, and all living things have the ability to reproduce (this is a constant in all living things) From a tree that lives 100’s of years to a mosquito that lives from 10 to 20 days. The only noticeable difference is that man thinks he is superior over all other living things.
I believe that man has the power of thought over all other living things, I don’t how ever believe that this makes man superior to all living things, I do believe that with the power of thought man has the conscious choice between right or wrong.
I have come to the conclusion that there is no God, no after life, no heaven, no hell! Something Greater than man does not exist on this planet! (If it did exist (IT) would Rule the Planet)! There for there is no substantial reason (Prof) at this point in time of the evolution of man, for one to believe in a man made God.
It is my belief that religion or the belief in anything greater than man was fabricated by man to either control man or gave man the peace of mind that he will be forgiven for his sins.
I have found no proof what so ever that would lead me to believe that there is or ever was a hereafter of any kind.
After many, many hours (At least two weeks :) of intensive research, I have how ever come to believe that there is indeed a God and a Devil! (But not just one) I believe that there is one God and one Devil inside each and every one of us.
From my research I have come to believe that it’s not the power of thought that makes us different from all other living things. It’s the ability to apply that thought to do good or evil and it’s the individual person that has to make that decision for them self. No one else knows what another person is thinking. So it is up to your inner self whether you chose to do good or evil. No out side force can do this for you! The final decision is up to you!
It is my belief that there is and never has been a God like creator of any kind, that there is and has never been a heaven or hereafter or a purgatory where you go to answer for your sins.
It’s my findings that mankind can feel free to, kill, rob, rape, lie and deceive his fellow man all he wants! He can destroy the land and kill off all of earths living things, because it doesn’t really matter in the end. We where a lifeless planet once, mankind is the only one that stands to lose anything other than life it self if we become a lifeless planet again.
It is my finding that; there is no final retribution at the end of the rainbow!
It is my findings that mankind can go wild! For the only thing one has to answer to in the end is one’s self!
And as to the question; Why?
I have come to the conclusion:
Why the Fuck Not?
And the answer to this question can only be found: In one’s inner self!
Personally: I’m going to keep doing it my way, I sleep like a baby
Love Always
Forever Peace
I believe. what goes around comes around!
I don’t believe this will make you wealthy beyond your wildest dreams.
I do believe it will bring you happiness in your life.
Thus; I sleep like a baby:)
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